May Newsletter 2017
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
Well! What a busy month. It always seems that when the ministry slows down our personal lives really pick up. And that was the case for the month of May.
We enjoyed three Sundays in our home church, Kilmichael Baptist, and one Sunday at West Shady Grove Baptist Church on May 28. We provided the music for their memorial service that morning. West Shady Grove is where Becky grew up and had her first opportunity to lead music. That evening our children presented a concert at Kilmichael Baptist as they continue to raise funds for their summer music camps. They did another amazing job. We are so proud of them.
Now to our personal lives and what was so busy for the month. Becky had her students' piano recital on May 13. They all did such a wonderful job. And of course the following day was Mother's Day. We enjoyed spending some time with Becky's mom and spending time with Becky. May 16th was Chloe's 10th birthday. We took the kids to the Memphis Zoo to celebrate her double digit birthday. Later that week on May 18 Becky's only senior for the year presented her senior piano and voice recital. On May 20 I did the video for French Camp Academy's graduation. This past week May 29-June 2, Becky, Christian, Chloe and Caris participated in the Jefferies/Phillips singing school at Chester Baptist Church near Ackerman, MS. This particular singing school was the same one that Becky and her best friend, Michelle Wilson, met at when they were 13 & 14 years old. Many years ago Michelle, Michelle's cousin, Danette Corder Roland and Becky formed a Trio and did some concerts. They were able to get back together and performed at the singing school on Friday night.
We only have one revival scheduled for the month of June. But keep us in your prayers as we have so much going on with our children in June. We will keep you posted in June's newsletter as to what all they got to do this month. May the Lord continue to bless you as you seek His face.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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Click on this link to view the Carver Crew Concert Highlights