July-August Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
What an incredibly busy summer and fall we have had. It’s been so busy I’m just now getting around to putting together newsletters for the months. God has been so good to allow us to minister in so many churches that we have not been to before.
July‘s first event for us was at our home church, Kilmichael Baptist, July 21-24. Our pastor, Bro. David Sartin, invited our dear evangelist friend, Bro. Scotty McDowell, to preach the revival services. By now, if you have been following us for years, you will know that Bro. Scotty is a chalk artist and full-time evangelist out of Jena, LA. This was Bro. Scotty‘s first time to be at Kilmichael. The church absolutely loved him. Bro. David has invited him back for another revival next year. The date on that revival is July 26-29, 2020. Mark your calendars. If you can make it, you will be blessed.
We finished up July in revival at Doty Springs Baptist Church near Ethel, MS on July 28-31. Bro. Tony Fortenberry is their pastor. He had Bro. Caleb Clark to preach the services. This was our second opportunity to work with Bro. Caleb. He is a great expository style preacher. It’s always a joy to go back to Doty Springs. There’s quite a sweet fellowship there.
We had three revivals in August, starting with High Hill Baptist Church on August 11-14. Not exactly sure how many times, but I think we have been to High Hill three or four times now. High Hilll is about 4 miles away from Sebastopol, MS. It is always a pleasure to be under the ministry of Bro. Don Cook, pastor. He invited full time evangelist, Bro. Gary Bowlin, to preach that revival. The Lord moved in a mighty way that week with 13 public professions of faith. Bro. Gary truly has the gift of evangelism.
Our next revival was near Water Valley, MS at Anchor Baptist Church on August 18-21. It is been about five years since we were last at Anchor Baptist Church. We were excited to be able to go back and be a part of their revival. Their music minister, Wade Irvin invited us to lead the worship that week. Their pastor, Bro. Gerald Shook invited Dr. Jim Futral to preach the revival services. He always does an amazing job in bringing Scripture to life.
The following week we were in Crawford, MS at Bethesda Baptist Church August 25-28. Bro. Allen Dees is their pastor. Our kids enjoyed listening to him tell stories of his missionary days in the Philippines. The guest speaker that week was Bro. Jeff Morgan from Artesia Baptist Church. Bro. Jeff did a great job breaking the Bread of Life with us.
Please keep us in your prayers as we follow the Lord’s leading.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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