July Newsletter 2017
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
Wow! What a crazy busy month of ministry. Christian, Chloe & I started the month leading worship at our church, Kilmichael Baptist, on July 2, while Becky was in Franklin, TN enjoying a well deserved vacation of her own with her BFF, Michelle Wilson. July 4, I took Chloe & Caris down to Pearl, MS to Bro. Grant & Gail McElveen's place to spend a few days with them as they went to Camp Garaywa for girl's day camp. The boys left early the next morning to Mission Fuge in Nashville,TN with our youth group from church.
Becky, Christian, Chloe and Caris all went to Murray, Kentucky to the Charles Novell School of Music July 10-13. This is the school that Becky and I used to teach at several years back. We are already making plans for all of us to go next year.
On July 12 we had our commissioning service for the Standing in the Gap Worship Weekend that our church does every year as their mission project. Caleb helped me with one of the songs for the commissioning service on Wednesday the 12th since Becky was still in Kentucky. That Friday and Saturday, July 14 and 15 were the workdays in the community. During the evening services we led worship, and this year Bro. David preached.
July 22 - 28 we were at Tabernacle camp meeting in Ethelsville, AL. This was our fourth time to lead the worship for their camp. Bro. Rickey Green, pastor of Tabernacle United Methodist Church, preached the first night of camp meeting while Bro. Mike Parker and Bro. Kenny Windsor rotated preaching the rest of the week. We had such a great time with the sweet folks there. For those of you who don't realize it, this camp meeting starts on a Saturday night and then goes through the following Sunday. Beginning on the first Sunday is the first of six days of three services per day - all of this taking place in an open air tabernacle. We were out in the heat and all the elements, which got quite interesting a couple of nights with some severe thunderstorms rolling through the middle of the service. We didn't finish out the camp meeting because of prior engagements at two other churches.
On July 29 we presented a concert at Doty Springs Baptist Church in Ethel, MS. Bro. Tony Fortenberry is their pastor. We enjoyed a wonderful fish fry they had prepared for us and the congregation. It was a great time of fellowship before the concert.
The next morning, July 30, we led the worship service at New Montpelier Baptist Church in Montpelier, MS. This was a special day for them as they dedicated the recently completed new sanctuary. Dr. Jim Futral was the guest speaker who brought the message that morning. Bro. Jerry King is their pastor. We enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship with the folks there as they had a meal following the service.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as our ministry schedule picks up this fall. Becky will be starting homeschooling in the next few days and piano lessons in the next few weeks, so her schedule will be getting real busy. May God bless you! Keep your eyes on Him!
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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