January Newsletter 2023
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
Wow! Another year has begun! The Lord is so good! Just want to thank you all for your continued prayers and support for One Way Ministries as we seek the Lord‘s will for our lives and for the ministry with which He has entrusted to us.
January was steadily busy as we continued to provide worship for Morgan Chapel Baptist Church near Sturgis, MS, as they continue to search for a new worship leader. We filled in each Sunday morning for the month of January. Their pastor, Bro. Brandon Powell, brought some wonderful messages. It has been a joy getting to know him and his family.
Our desire is to continue to spread the gospel through the medium of music, and we ask that you continue to pray for us that the Lord open up more opportunities for us to do such. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you in His perfect will.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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