January Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
Aside from ministering at our church we only had one revival for the month of January. Prior to that revival we had a slight snow event on January 16. It was so slight that the girls were only able to make a snow baby. There was not enough snow to make a snowman. But it was beautiful coming down.
We had the opportunity to lead worship for the revival at Millbrook Baptist Church in Millbrook, AL. Our dear friend Bro. Paul Blanchard, Associational Missions Director for Winston County, was supposed to preach the revival but a few weeks back he broke his toe. The doctor's said he would need to stay off of it for a couple of weeks so he was unable to make it. Bro. Mike Ingram, pastor of Millbrook, invited Bro. Mark Wakefield to preach Sunday morning, Bro. Kevin Blackwell to preach Sunday evening and Bro. Ray McKenzie to preach Monday through Wednesday. Bro. Mike delivered the noonday messages Monday through Wednesday. Each did a wonderful job proclaiming God's word. It was a good week. Caleb even joined Becky, Christian, Chloe and me by playing the drums a couple nights. We were so excited. He added so much to the worship. And Christian played one of his classical pieces he has been learning on guitar for one of the offertories. We had a great time at Millbrook once again.
We are so thankful for the opportunities the Lord opens up for us to minister, not only on the road but also at Kilmichael Baptist. The spring is beginning to fill in nicely. Please continue to pray for us as we go wherever He leads. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and financial support.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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