December Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
Happy New Year!!! I can't believe 2016 is over. Time slows down for no one. We trust you had a great year and a wonderful time with your families during the Christmas season.
Our December was light ministry wise. The only event we had outside our work at our church was a Christmas banquet at New Montpelier Baptist in Montpelier, MS on December 21. This was the ninth or tenth banquet we have done there. It is always a joy to be with Bro. Jerry and Priscilla King and the sweet folks of Montpelier.
Becky had her recital for her piano and voice students on December 16. They all did an exceptional job on all their songs. We were so proud of them all.
My oldest sister, Sherilyn and her husband, Dewey Harms came and stayed with us a few days the week of December 19th. We enjoyed getting to see them. They were able to be with us as we celebrated Christian's 16th birthday on the 19th. Where does the time go? Caris also celebrated a birthday this month. On the 29th, she turned seven. Our babies are growing up way too fast. On Christmas eve, Becky cooked a delectable brunch for us and her family to enjoy. After worship service on Christmas Day, we went to Becky's mom's house and enjoyed a delicious meal and a fun time of watching the kids open their gifts. The next day, we went to Tennessee to see Becky's best friend and the kid's adopted aunt, Michelle Wilson. We spent a few days with her that week and had a wonderful time visiting with her.
Please keep us in your prayers as we look forward to a great 2017. Keep your eyes on the Master and continue to draw close to Him and He will draw close to you.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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