August Newsletter 2017
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
The Lord has been keeping us quite busy this month of August. We are so thankful that He continues to use us for His glory. We started the month off leading worship at our home church, Kilmichael Baptist, on August 6.
We were at Doty Springs Baptist Church on August 13-16 for their summer revival. This was the same church we did a concert at in July. Bro. Tony Fortenberry is their pastor. The guest speaker for the week was Bro. Caleb Clark. He is the pastor at Calvary Baptist in Yazoo City. He is also an Air Force chaplain and a very powerful preacher. We heard some really good sermons that week.
On August 20-23, we were at Kolola Springs Baptist Church in Caledonia, MS. We presented a concert Sunday morning and starting Sunday night, we led worship for the revival services with a different speaker each evening. The guest speakers for the week were, Bro. Terry Rhodes, Bro. Doran Henry, Bro. Jared Busby and Bro. Jaron Andrews. Bro. Don Harding continues to pastor there.
We finished up the month of August in revival at First Baptist Church in Bruce, MS on August 27-30. Dr. Gary Roberson is their pastor. The guest speaker for the week was Dr. Clarence Cooper. It had been many years since we had heard Bro. Clarence preach, so it was very refreshing to hear him preach once again. What a powerful preacher he is. There were people at the altar each night. No public professions of faith, however, I do believe that their church experienced true revival. It was a joy getting to know their worship leader, Bro. Joel Worley and their youth minister, Bro. J.D. Hankins.
Life is not slowing down for us. During these revival weeks Becky started back with homeschooling. We do ask that you continue to pray for her and the kids as they embark upon a new school year together. Any of you who have ever homeschooled your children will understand how difficult and challenging it can be at times. And imagine, teaching four in one day can be quite stressful. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support of One Way Ministries. We love you.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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We did have the opportunity to view the eclipse that took place on August the 21st. The kids thought that was really cool.