April Newsletter 2017
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
We have had such an awesome April. So thankful for the wonderful opportunities the Lord had opened up for us.
On April 9-12, we provided music for the revival at Pheba Baptist Church in Pheba, MS. Bro. Terry Rhodes is their pastor. This was our first opportunity to minister at Pheba Baptist and hopefully not our last. We had a wonderful time getting to know the sweet folks there. The guest speaker for the week was Bro. Al Gaspard. We actually have worked with Bro. Al before. However, it has probably been more than 16 years since we were with him last. We don't believe we had any children at that time. It was good to hear him preach once again, so anointed.
On Easter Sunday, April 16, we presented our Easter cantata at Kilmichael Baptist Church. The choir and drama team did an amazing job. We received so many compliments from everyone who attended. And it truly was probably the largest Easter Sunday crowd we can remember. The church was packed. But more importantly, Jesus was glorified! What an awesome day to reflect on the fact that our King is ALIVE!
Our children presented their first very own concert at Fellowship Baptist Church in Starkville, MS on April 23. They are raising money to attend some music camps this summer. And this is how they are trying to fund those events. They did an amazing job. Such a worshipful experience. They did their mom and dad very proud and honored Jesus. Our youth group from our church even showed up to surprise and support them.
April 30 was going to be a regular day of worship at our church, or so we thought. I set up my laptop and Christian set up his guitar and we ran through the worship set before we went over to the fellowship hall to have our sausage and biscuit that the men have ready for the church every Sunday. After we finished eating, the tornado alarm went off in the city of Kilmichael. Everyone gathered in the hallways as we rode out some very high winds. Numerous trees went down in the area and many of our church members were affected by it. The electricity went out and services were called off for the day. Fortunately, our church was not damaged. The aluminum shed over the church bus did collapse. However, only minimal cosmetic damage was done to the bus. It has been confirmed that it was an EF1 tornado. I didn't realize the magnitude of the damage until we went back on Tuesday to help with the cleanup. We are so thankful that no one was hurt and praise the Lord for his protection. We do ask that you continue to pray for those who have lost their homes.
We have come to a slow time as far as One Way Ministries is concerned. We only have one event in May that will take us away from our church and possibly one in June. Please continue to pray that the Lord will open doors for us to spread His gospel. We love you all so much. Thank you for your prayers and support.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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Storm damage around Kilmichael, MS