April Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
Wow! Where do I begin with this newsletter. I sit here in room 119 in the Eupora Hospital alongside my dad who appears to have had a stroke. That hasn't been confirmed yet. The doctor is still waiting on the results of all of the tests to confirm anything. There have been times over the past couple of days that he has tried to speak to us with much difficulty. We have a hard time understanding him. He hasn't tried to say much at all today though. He is conscious and understanding what's going on around him. So I do ask that you please keep him in your prayers. Pray that the Lord will put His healing Hand upon him so that he can speak again and regain use of his left arm. His voice is what the Lord has been using for over 60 years to spread the gospel to a lost and dying world. Even from his nursing home bed over the past five years, God has used him to lead seven souls, that I know of, to a saving knowledge of Christ. This is a man who loves Jesus with every fiber of his being and wants everyone to receive the free gift of salvation. It is so hard to see a man who loved to converse with those around him, not be able to do that now. But I know that he is so proud of how the Lord continues to use other obedient servants to spread the gospel.
On April 15-18, we led the worship for revival services at River Bend Baptist Church near Aberdeen, MS. This was our fifth opportunity to be at River Bend and is always a pleasure worshiping with the people there. Dr. Roy McHenry is their pastor. Their worship leader, Lynn Pigford, invited us to lead the worship for the week. Dr. Dustie Dunn, Pastor of Petal-Harvey Baptist Church, preached some powerful messages that week. There were people at the altar after every service. It is so encouraging to see God's people on their knees in prayer. There were more than thirty people, that Bro. Dustie saw during the invitation, who raised their hands acknowledging that they prayed to receive Jesus into their hearts but only four made public professions of faith that week. We are looking forward to hear what God is going to continue to do at River Bend.
We were at Calvary Baptist, in Louisville, MS on April 22-26 with evangelist Randall Creel. It is always a joy working with him and his wife Brenda. Calvary's sweet pastor and his wife, Bro. Johnny & Patricia Collins, are always such gracious hosts. Bro. Randall brought some wonderful messages that week as well. There is such a sweet spirit at Calvary Baptist. There were several visitors at Calvary that week, many of whom visited because of Bro. Johnny reaching out to them. We look forward in seeing how God is going to use Calvary Baptist to reach its community.
Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to seek God's will for our lives. Not only pray for Mervyn Carver, my dad, but we also have an unspoken request that we need the Lord to guide us through. Thank you so much. We love you all.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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