April-June Newsletter
Dear Friends & Prayer Warriors,
This will probably be one of my shorter newsletters even though it covers three months. With Covid-19 still running the show, not much has happened ministry-wise aside from us doing the music at Kilmichael Baptist Church (our home church). We have had three revivals cancel, but they did promise that they would reschedule in the future. We are praying that revival will take place in this country. She so badly needs it. We know that if revival takes place in the hearts of His people and we as a country will turn from our wicked ways then He will forgive our sins and heal our land. America needs healing. And the only way she can be healed is for her to allow a Holy & Righteous God to do what only He can do. Please continue to pray for our president and his staff as they seek to lead this country in the right direction. Pray for the lost, that they will realize that they need Jesus. And pray for Christians to draw closer to the Lord. Let us all be about the work of our heavenly Father.
If all goes well, Christian will be graduating from high school on July 25. The graduation date was pushed back from the original date of May 23 due to Covid concerns. Please be praying that this graduation does happen with the rest of the homeschool group and we don't have to postpone it any further. He has been accepted to attend Mississippi State University in the fall and he will be majoring in computer science. We are so proud of him and the godly example he is to those around him.
Please keep our ministry finances in your prayers as well. With the cancelled revivals, we are getting low on financial funds to keep the ministry budget up. Pray that the Lord with continue to provide and that He will open more opportunities to minister. May God bless you all.
In His Service,
Steve & Becky Carver
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