Ministering in Song and Praise
Serving the Lord by leading God's people to worship Him in Revivals, Conferences, Retreats, Concerts, Conventions, and Banquets.
Wherever He Leads!
One Way Ministries, a non-profit organization founded in 1994, is made up of Steve and Becky Carver. Their ministry is based on John 14:6, the scripture in which Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” Steve and Becky are very versatile individuals. They can lead praise and worship and/or provide special music for concerts, retreats, revivals, crusades, or wherever there is a need to share the gospel message through the medium of music.
Becky, a graduate of Mississippi State University music school, is an accomplished pianist and vocalist. She earned many college scholarships and has taught music classes, voice and piano for 33 years. For five years, she traveled with a gospel group as pianist and vocalist.
Steve, also a graduate of Mississippi State, earned a Broadcast Communications degree. For eighteen years, he traveled with his family and sang, while his father preached evangelistic revivals.
Both are born again Christians. Steve was saved at the age of 7, and Becky was saved at the age of 22. When they met, they realized God’s purpose and will for them was to be in the gospel music field.
They traveled on a part-time basis up until June 1998. In June 1998, they surrendered to full-time music evangelism, and God has greatly blessed their ministry.
They are going wherever God leads. God has led them as far west as Phoenix, AZ; as far south as Stuart, FL; and as far north as Flint, MI.